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Majestic Jasmine ( jasmine tea )

Herbal Teas

Product Information

Majestic Jasmine ( jasmine tea )

We took the task of selecting the finest and most fragrant jasmine blossoms very seriously. These small, but beautiful blossoms are a symbol of luck, love, beauty and purity, and with their heavenly scent can spellbind you for a lifetime long addition. Our Majestic Jasmine is made from organically and naturally grown jasmine blossoms in Kashmir Valley. Blossoms can be brewed in water in the evening for a deep and peaceful sleep or blended with green and white tea for adding a vibrant aromatic note to pure loose leaf teas.

The health benefits of jasmine tea include a reduced risk of heart attacks, building a stronger immune system, prevention of diabetes and cancer, and reducing stress. It also helps in improving digestive processes and lowering cholesterol. Many antioxidants can be found in this delicate and delicious beverage. The most notable are catechins which can help to eliminate harmful bacteria and ease chronic inflammation like muscle aches and pains. Jasmine tea can be a good addition to any diet as it aids to weight loss and acts as an antibiotic. The strong odours and chemicals of jasmine tea are not recommended while pregnant. It is highly acidic, so consuming it on an empty stomach to spur on weight loss or metabolic function can cause intestinal pain or discomfort.

Contains no caffeine.

Pure Dried Jasmine Flowers


Sweet and intense

Calming and relaxing

Water temperature: 100º Celsius
Dosage: 5 grams of tea
Amount of water: 150-200 ml
Steeping time: 4, 6 minutes
Resteeping: 2-3 times

Method: We suggest to always use freshly boiled water cooled down to the proper temperature. Use suitable tea ware and cover the teapot or a teacup when brewing. To discover delicate subtlety of each tea and get the most nutrients out of the leaves/flowers always follow the instructions, and feel free to experiment with dosage, time or temperature when you get accustomed to the tea. Higher temperature, larger amounts of leaves and longer steeping time will result in stronger infusion with more astringency. You can add sugar or honey to your tea, but we suggest trying it straight first in order to enjoy it to the fullest.

Note: Please use it within one month after opening the packet. And keep it in a cool and dry place.


After-meal tea time with a dose of elegance


Organically grown as per NPOP, NOP & EU standards.

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